An altered tin I finished over a week ago, and below with some stocking gift tags.

I must say, I am very impressed with my father in law, who we love very much. He has already accepted his death, and has been organizing his funeral so his wife and son's don't have to deal with it all later. I sat with him one day, and we went through all of his photos, and he chose the ones he wants on his memory board at the funeral home. I have that to put together now, nothing fancy just a collage of photographs celebrating his life :)
I have started to knit some fingerless mittens for myself, something I have not done in over a year and I find it very relaxing, that is, once I remembered how to use 4 double pointed needles again :) It's something I can do while I am sitting around at the inlaws and I can take it anywhere really, I am just very slow at it.
I just noticed I am at 202 followers... Wow... I was going to have a giveaway when I reached 200, so what I will do is have one in the New Year when we could all use a little pick me up :)
Take care all, and I will see you soon,