I had my own website a few years ago, it was called Country Printables. I drew country characters in my graphic program at that time using the vector tool and I created and sold printables and web sets.
I thought you may like to meet some of my country friends :) Here they are saying hello .....

I am not into the country graphics anymore, but I enjoyed creating these gift tags for Christmas printing.

I have a collage sheet of these in my Etsy shop now, thought I would see if people were interested in this type of thing. So many people just throw out the tags you put on gifts, so I thought why not be able to just print a bunch, cut them out and add some ribbon for those people, just quick and easy.
I enjoyed playing in Paint Shop Pro again so much, I am thinking I will make some more collage sheets, I gave up graphics to have time for my crafts, like sewing and knitting at the time, then just over a year ago I got into Mixed Media, now I realize how much I miss it, but I always have it to go back to whenever I feel the need :)
Have a great weekend all , see you soon,