I just finished a swap with Pauline from the beautiful Island of Malta, and she recieved her altered tin today so I actually have something to share.
Pauline is a cross stitcher and asked if I would do a swap with her for a stitchery in exchange for one of my tins, so I agreed, and can you believe it only took a week to arrive to her in Malta ? Hopefully my stitchery will arrive today too :)
The Santas are from one of my collage sheets, which gives you an idea of the size I created the sheet in. I used a tiny bristle brush tree in there, and used some of my Santa hair for snow, it's raw wool actually, but I used it for some Santa dolls I made a couple of years ago. I wonder if I will have a chance to make another this year?

Picture this old school Italian guy in his 70's going to a Chinese medicine man LOL,,, I couldn't believe it, but you know what, it helped him in one way or another and he felt great. He then had to stop all that for the doctors to put him on a new drug just approved in Canada this year. It slows down the growth of the tumors, and it did for about 6 months, but not anymore. There is nothing left to do I am afraid, and the shutting down of the liver has started, so we will be celebrating Christmas with him for the last time this year, I only hope he feels well enough.
So this is another reason for being in a strange mood you see, and I wasn't going to talk about it here yet, but just incase I don't visit you often my friends, please don't think me rude, it is just a lot going on. Neither of us have lost a parent and we are finding it very hard to actually deal with the inevitable now.
Something happier, are my new Christmas tags, another sheet of printables I created over a week ago I think now, three different Santa's on one sheet.

Since I have been so pre occupied I have not been creating digitally or otherwise, but please do not worry about me, I am fine, I will get back to it when the time is right :)
I know my American friends are gearing up for Thanksgiving Day, so I want to finish by wishing you all a wonderful time, the best ever, and make sure you eat lots, and lots :)