
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Collaberative work with young artists

My two youngest nieces ages 11 and 12 were here last weekend and we had an artful afternoon around my kitchen table.
They loved the Paper Whimsy collage I had created a while ago so we sat down and I helped them create their own, and I am so proud of them, they did some brilliant work that day.

The important thing is, they were both proud of themselves, and I think that is so important to a young girls self esteem.

I painted the background for them on an 8 x 10 piece of watercolor paper and showed them how to measure for the border. My mom was here too and she helped cut some of the Paper Whimsy pieces from the collage sheet, as some are really tricky, but I told them they had to try and cut too. I also told them they could not copy what I did but had to come up with their own design.

I was very surprised at the way my younger niece layered so many pieces, she was very particular about what she wanted :)
I even showed them how to shade with the charcoal and they did really well...
Below are the finished collages.

This is Emma's, she is our 12 year old, wearing the black nail polish, she is so much like my daughter at her age. You can click on the photo for a closer look if you want.
This one was created by Sophie, our 11 year old. She wanted to go on adding more and more but we had to finish and clear up the table for dinner, I think she is the one with the most patience to follow through and finish a project on her own, where the older one, talks too much and you have to push her a little LOL... just her age I think.

So, as you can see I have two very talented young artists here, and I hope to work with them again after I move and during their summer holidays. I have been playing art with them since as long I can remember, but now they are old enough to really be able to do a lot more, so it should be a lot of fun :)

You can see the Whimsy Faerie I did on my post here. I think I actually like theirs even more :)
Here is a little postcard I did with the smaller collage sheets while we were playing.

You can purchase the digital collage sheets at Paper Whimsy.

My moving date is June 22nd, 6 more weeks to go, so I have been trying to pack as much as possible. I didn't realize how much I have in this house, I have so many decorative accessories, and the place is looking emptier by the day. We also seem to have a lot of mirrors, but I am a sucker for a nice mirror.
I will leave my studio till last, just in case I have time to play in there , but not only that, it is going to take me days to pack up everything. I am sure you know what I mean, I bet a lot of you have more of a stash than I do :)

Have a great day, talk to you soon,