This beautiful young lady is one of my favorite graphics from an old postcard. I just had to make a special tag with her, and for others to print, so this is my latest printable collage sheet which you can find in my Etsy Shop.
This is how they look put together, and I am very happy with the outcome :) I used an ivory lace background and gave the tags a scalloped top edge, but seems you can't see it here. I
What I did is make two sheets to print, one for the front and one for the back. Just cut out, glue front and back together, punch a hole in the top, rub some distress ink around the tag and add some ribbon, and you have some beautiful gift tags :)

I had forgotten how much I missed my Paint Shop Pro, I am really enjoying it, yet I still have time to play with my art too.
Have a great weekend,