
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Art Journals on my table..

Has it really been a month?

A lot has happened actually this last month, besides working on getting my parents house ready for sale, and then selling it, as well as finding a bungalow for them  I started the "21 Secrets" workshop and have been having a great time. It's been such a relief after all the stress my family has been under lately.

This is a journal I started yesterday and finished today, well that's a lie, the cover is finished, I have the signatures to add, but I want to paint the pages of the signatures first .

In "21 Secrets" I made flowers  in Ro Bruhn's class , and although I wasn't intending to use it on a journal cover it just seemed right. The background has lots of ink and paint , stencils and doodling which I first learned about in Roben Marie Smiths journal class. I also included some stitching, and my own techniques.

So this is a combination of Ro Bruhn, Roben Marie and Me styles hahaha

Below is the back of the journal cover.

Nice bright colours too which started when I took Terri Kahrs class at
"21 Secrets".
 For those who know Terri, you know she loves colour, bright, rich colour.
We made a journal in her class too and two of the pages I worked on already are in her style, with a touch of my own style of course.

Here is a look...

and here is another look...

I used mostly Terri's own altered images, and if you notice the second layout has a sweet little envelope for my secrets, that is if I ever write in these journals. I seem to prefer the painting, layering and collage part more :)

You may not of even heard of "21 Secrets", and I am no way affiliated with the workshops,
but I highly recommend them if you want to learn new techniques, or be inspired. For beginners 
and seasoned artists alike, there are 21 classes by 21 different artists and you have until the end of the year I believe to finish all of them, and it's a very reasonable price.

Here is the link to
so you can see for yourself.

 I have also made my own foam stamps in Ro Bruhn's class, will share that soon .

In other news... my sister is now waiting to start chemo , her cancer is stage2 which means it has spread into the lymph nodes from the breast, but the tumour in the breast was removed successfully . She needs aggressive chemo now, probably in a weeks time she will start. After that, more surgery to remove the nodes and after that radiation, so she is going to have one heck of a tough year this year. I still can't believe it.
Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.

So I had a lot to cover today, that's what I get for not posting in a month.
Hope you are all well, love to you all.