It's taken me a while to get the cozy feeling I needed, and that little Cooper needed too, because let's face it, he is glued to me, so it is his room too :)
I had two plastic fold up tables before last week, and found I just kept piling stuff on them and getting overwhelmed by the mess, so this is what I did.
First got them out of the room, put down an area rug from storage, brought in a cozy chair from another part of the house, and this old round pedestal table that we have had for so many years. I wanted the feeling of a cozy cottage living room :)
Thing is I need my computer and printers in here too.
I got hubby to pick me up this new desk from Ikea for my most favourite piece of equipment, the Queen of all computers who now resides in my cozy little room.
This is the imac with a 27 inch screen and it is absolutely incredible. For photographers and graphic designers it is awesome, and bloggers too, all of your beautiful blogs look fantastic on this screen.
You can get a smaller version but my husband decided I needed the huge one LOL.
I hope to get something small, a little table maybe to put beside the desk for the laser printer.
The desk matches the shelving unit I already had for a few years from Ikea. I love that place, my chest of drawers is from there too, the drawers are huge, lots of storage room.
I closed the door you see to the walk in closet, it's full of more "stuff".
The storage boxes house my felt and some fabric, the cupboard is jam packed full, and beside it my plastic drawers on wheels has all my papers in it.
I knew Cooper would love the chair LOL, he has used it more than I have that's for sure. Now he can look outside or just fall asleep in comfort.
Since I was redoing the room I decided to get all my Easter decorations out. Not that I have so much, but I love to have lot's of things on the shelves of my old cupboard.
I knew I was having this beautiful piece of furniture in here when we moved so I had the movers bring it upstairs. I think they thought I was a bit crazy, but who cares.
I keep my vintage china in this cupboard, vintage linens, and more art supplies, it is really useful, and I get to see it all the time because this is where I am most of the time :)
Beside my computer desk is this little wicker desk for my sewing machine. It still is looking a bit empty over there, I could use a couple of shelves I think.
Do you see a beautiful fabric collage on the wall?
This is a beautiful, beautiful gift from my friend Robin at Robins Nest. She made it for me as a housewarming gift, and I loooove it, so I added it to my studio so I can look at it all the time.
I took some close up's of this beautiful collage and made a mosaic at Big Huge Labs
Isn't it scrumptious? Robin makes some incredible fabric collages.

I am using the pedestal table only, no other work area, for my artwork, and there is a reason for that. Keeping my work area small means I have to clean up before I start something new. This is what I have to do to keep organized , I just have to, although in the future if I can keep things tidy, I may add one small table near the window, there is lots of space there still.
While I am working on something, of course, everything is a disaster, things strewn all over the place. This is the tidiest it may ever be, and that was intentional :)
Thanks for visiting me today,
Happy Spring,