The above photograph was taken of one of many pears Linda had ripening in her conservatory. She's British, I think only they have conservatories , which is like a sun room :)
I used textures from Kim Klassen on this one, I just LOVE her magic textures and so many more, if you have not been buy her site, you are in for treat when you do.
On my own pear photo (below) I did a really grungy look using textures from Jerry at
Shadow House Creations, one of which is his old newspaper texture, then I topped it off with one of Kim's scratch textures.
If you are into Photo Shop and textures like Linda and I are at the moment, you do not want to miss a visit to Jerry's blog. He is the most generous man, all of his textures, masks and brushes are free for you to use, and there are lots of them. You can however make a donation and buy him a coffee or something while you are there :)
I bet your's are way better. To see what Linda came up with check out her big beautiful and inspiring blog at Blue Eyed Girl. This woman has so much talent, everything she does is superb, I mean really superb!
While I am here today I would like to wish all of my Canadian friends and followers a very Happy Thanksgiving Weekend.
The last holiday weekend before Christmas, and the weather here in S.Ontario is supposed to be beautiful :)
I can't get back until after Monday so I will leave you with this little card I made.....
Oh yes, I almost forgot. I have a little shop on Zazzle now. I have been having cards printed there with my digital work on for a while now and am really happy with the quality. So I thought I would offer my work to everyone else who shops on Zazzle.
You can now purchase greeting cards with my pumpkins, and other digital. You can add your own text to them which is fun, and they ship the next day, they are great!
This weekend only all cards are 40% off at the Canadian site HERE using the code THANKSCANADA at check out. You can mix and match cards from any other Zazzle shop, you don't have to choose mine :)
I will be adding more as I create them, I am hooked....
I have always been one to keep a stock of pretty cards for friends, and thank you notes etc, I think it makes people feel good inside to receive a nice card, especially if it is something different, so if you get a chance please check out what I have and add me as a "fan", because I don't have any yet.
There is also a sale on at Zazzle.com this weekend for Columbus Day.
Everything is 14.92% off using the code 1492COLUMBUS , my oh my, where did that percentage come from?
I am not sure about other international sites, but if you sign up at Zazzle you will be notified when there are special promotions, and you can use any of your own images or photos to create cards, and so much more.
Thank you for all the great advice on my last post, and I will see you all soon.