I only wish I had found this sooner this year because there are not many flowers left for me to dry. I did try some mum's from my garden, they were a dark pink and just look how they turn purple. You can click on the picture for a better look if you want.
I keep meaning to go out and pick some wildflowers that grow along the highway but you know how it is, I forget or when I am on the highway I am usually on my way somewhere, like the dentist today.
After they are cool I put them in one of my flower presses until I am ready to use them. Which could be next year the way I am, there are so many things I want to play with in my art, just too many really, but at least they are there when I do need them :)
They had fallen off my Virginia Creeper which is now turning red. The leaves first turn a lovely pinkish color then they turn red, then burnt orange. These are going to be so pretty on something :)
The nice thing is that if you need a leaf right away you can go pick one up outside and dry it in 2 mins, then use it on your art work.
Hey Patty, (she's been wax crazy lately) I was thinking how they would look with some wax, either glue them on art with wax or layer over them. What do you think?