
Sunday, July 19, 2009

A few things for Sunday

A little box of surprises came in the mail the day after my birthday and I just had to share them with you :)

My friend Patty at Magpie's Nest, was so sweet to do this for me, and she really did give me a beautiful surprise.
Above is a hanging ornament made from inchies, isn't it darling? I have it hanging on this mini coat hanger on the shelf in my studio. If you would like to make one yourself, Patty has a tutorial on her blog right here.

Then there was the most beautiful altered postcard, and I swear I thought it was a photograph when I first opened the box, I just love it! Even more so because of the lovely sentiment on the back. (Sorry I forgot a photo.)
"May the long time sun shine upon you and Love surround you and the pure Light within you guide your way on."
I think all artists or crafters love bits and pieces, or bits and bob's as my Gran used to call them. Well Patty sent me some really neat bits of fabric, lace, hankie, tulle, and even a black vintage hair net. Also a matchbox for altering, (something I have never done) with buttons and clips in it.
Oh yes, a little doily, tissue with a lovely stone angel on it , which she also decorated the parcel with and some yummy soap. I love things like this, how did you know Patty?

I should have taken photos before I opened each item but was too excited, Patty really wrapped them very creatively and extra special, I thank you my dear , you made me very happy :)

Just had to show you this amazing flower from my new vine, which I may add I am a bit concerned about, it is not blooming as much as I think it should, so I may have to move it to a sunnier spot. This is a Purple Passion Flower and isn't it just spectacular? View the close up by clicking on the photo, it is a really Funky looking flower, I just hope it starts blooming more.

I think i gave the wrong impression to some of you last post. I am not leaving blogging or taking a break from it, just from participating in the challenge blogs for now. I have much to do around my home , or should I say "want" to do, which has already begun by clutter busting and trying to organise my studio room. I have also as of yesterday started Suzi Blu's new workshop
Goddess and The Poet and will be focusing on that now. I so enjoyed her Petit Doll workshop but I didn't practise enough , this workshop is for more realistic yet stylized faces that we are working on, so I will see how well I can do :) If she can teach me how to draw a nose, then she can teach anyone.

Have a great Sunday, I have some shading practise to do with my pencils :)