
Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Time Began In A Garden" Arch ATC

This is a first for me, a first Arch ATC that is. Don't know why it took me so long but after seeing the beautiful arches Patty and Sandy made this past week I was so inspired to try one today, and Patty was kind enough to send me some templates last week to get me going. Thanks sweetie :)
I used an ATC background and Ballerina from collage sheets at Itkupilli . The background is an atc size digital image of a beautiful garden.

It is a gloomy, gloomy, wet, soggy day, and a holiday weekend too, which is such a shame for people who have planned things. Monday is Victoria Day, when we celebrate both the birthday of Queen Victoria , and our reigning Queen's birthday, here in Canada, but it has become more of a celebration for the first long weekend of the summer season. Funny thing is, it is never like summer on this weekend.

A big Thank You to Terri at Blooming Ideas for honoring me with this award, I will treasure it, thanks so much :)
Terri is having a Blogaversary Giveaway right now, and a very very generous giveaway of new art supplies, you will not want to miss this, so head over there now and check it out !

You may notice I am playing with my blog layout again, I finally went with a 3 column blog, so I will be moving things around and adding more links etc in the next few days.

Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend :)