
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ABAA and Mix It Up With Melange Challenge

So, I was trying to think what the word "Inspiration" means to me, and how I could use what inspires me in a piece of art , because "Inspiration" is the word prompt for this week's Mix It Up With Melange challenge.
I usually start a challenge by going through my printed collage sheets and images, most all of them are vintage. Then it hit me, that IS what inspires me, "Vintage", so there you have it Lynn, get started. So I used this photo which we are to us in the challenge for ABAA this month on an ATC.
I love to make atc's for challenges because it's about the only time I do them.

This is all I did today and it didn't take too long. We finally, finally have some warm weather, and as usual it has gone from one extreme to another, meaning a cold weekend to hot, hot, hot today and more tomorrow. So I spent some time on the deck once it was partly shaded and did some reading for a change while I had the washing machine on.

Thanks for visiting, I truly appreciate all your comments and visit everyone if there is a link to your blog. Sometimes it may be a few days before I get there, but I do :)