
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Folding Heart Card Tutorial

Several of you have asked or said you would like to make one of the folding heart cards, so I took some photos today so I could give you a little tutorial on the folding of the card. I have to tell you I messed up the first time, it is a bit tricky when you havn't done one in a while, and I hope I can explain it well enough for you to understand.
So, here goes........

Take a piece of 12" x 12" cardstock.
I suggest trying it on a piece you don't mind messing up the first time, just incase :)
Fold your card stock in half... ok that part is easy.

See how in my photo you can see the crease? Well make sure you now turn the paper over because you need to fold it the opposite way in the next step.

Fold this time from corner to corner, then keeping it on the same side of the paper, fold the opposite corner to corner.
It should now look like the picture below.
Note, it might help to click on these pictures and view the full size photo.

Holding one of the larger unfolded portions in front of you, fold the card inwards until it lays flat like this one below. I will show pictures of my finished card on the inside below so you know what I mean, and how it looks, just incase you did not see it before.
Use something like paper clips or clothes pins to hold paper together for drawing and cutting.
Using a heart shaped template, (I have no idea where I got it from, but it fits perfectly.), trace around the heart with pencil incase you need to erase some later. I always do.
You can also draw your own heart.

Next step is to cut out your heart. The edges may look a bit rough but you can tidy them up after it's cut.
Now it should open up and look like the picture below.
If not, then I am terrible at explaining this, or you did it wrong *giggle*
I cut out heart shapes in patterned paper and glued inside of mine, but on the heart shapes that fold inwards you will need to cut half a heart for those or it will have trouble folding in afterwards.

I then collaged mine using gel medium to glue everything, but, you can do whatever you want to decorate it.
Below you can see the inside of mine.

I also punched holes through all pieces except the very front, threaded some red seam binding and tied it.

Please, let me know if it works out for you :)