
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Niagara Falls after the storm

After the biggest snowfall in five years , the day after it, we drove to the Falls to take photographs. I don't remember it being so beautiful, maybe because this time the snow was so fresh. The water was a green colour crashing down and creating so much mist you couldn't see the bottom.

It was nice because there were a lot less people than usual. Thank goodness they have the "Welcome building" there because my fingers were starting to freeze after 10 mins so we went in to warm up.
This is the view of the Rainbow Bridge which you drive over to the United States. I wish I had thought about going over to take photos from their side, darn it. We didn't have our passports and you need one now to go back and forth.
Maybe we will have another snow fall like this before the end of Winter.

The lamp posts looked beautiful all covered in Icicles, and so did the Welcome Centre below, look how pretty it is. It looks like lace edges.

This is as close as I could get, the stairs and patio were closed due to the ice.

Everyone was very surprised to see a lady in her shorts , I don't know what she was thinking. She was with someone so I am sure if she wasn't in her right mind, he would have made her get dressed. Then I thought maybe they are on their way to Florida, which a lot of Canadians do this time of year, but still, shorts???? I took a photo of the back of her but I won't be posting it on the web LOL.

Maybe just one more shot, this one I really love with all the mist. This is the spot where you get wet walking along the edge. You can barely see just a glimpse of the rest of the falls through it.

I have resized these for the web and added more to my Facebook album, so some of you will have seen these already. Don't feel like you have to comment again ok?

I broke down and joined in on Facebook a few weeks ago and I love it, problem is you forget you have a blog sometimes and that other people do too because it all gets posted there. I love Facebook for connecting with my blogging friends on a daily basis.

Ok, just one more because these guys looked so good, and they add a pop of colour in all the whiteness .They were over Five Feet , I know that because they are taller than me :) Left over from Christmas I suppose. This coming Christmas I swear I must go and see the lights, can you believe I have never done so? Shame on me living so close.

Have a great day, be back soon....