
Friday, October 2, 2009

Old keys and retail therapy on a dreary day

It was, and still is a gloomy, wet day here, and I felt very gloomy myself. I decided to walk to the end of the street to the mail box and in there was a little box with a picture of a rusty key on it. Then I noticed it was from Debi, who said she was going to send me some old keys because I couldn't find any, and everyone I asked just didn't seem to have any.
Just look at what was in the box......

Wrapped up in pretty pink tissue and tied with ribbon, but there were two little parcels and a gorgeous gift tag from Debi too.
I couldn't wait to open it, and never realized how many keys could be wrapped in there, just look at them all, and they really are "old", I was thrilled. Then I opened the other piece of tissue and she had sent me some bits of old jewelry too for using on my keys. I rushed over to my husband to show him and he never get's excited about things I get in the mail but he thought they were cool LOL.
You probably all know Debi from Life in my Studio, if not then you really should be following her lovely blog :) I am so grateful to you sweet lady, thank you so much, I could never have found so many old keys. We don't have flea markets around here, and the ones we do are far away and only in the summer, and the jewelry bits are wonderful :)

Isn't it funny what makes some people feel happy? A bunch of old keys and some bits of jewelry just made my day :)

This blog world I live in every day is so special, you meet the most wonderful people and you have never even met them. People just come forward and help each other out, it is a beautiful thing this blogging community :)

What made you happy today?

Ohhhhhh another thing made me happy too. My friend Gail at Shabby Cottage Studio is celebrating the 2nd Birthday of her online shop and not only does she have 25% off everything, but with every purchase your name will be entered in her birthday giveaway which includes 14 gifts, yep 14 different giveaways including a magazine subscription and a free class at
Creative Workshops.
Guess where I went shopping today?
Not only does Gail create beautiful digital collage sheets and her own art work, she also supplies us with many different art supplies for our mixed media and altered art projects. You can have a lot of fun retail therapy over there, I know I did and I really needed it today :)

Be back soon,