
Monday, February 16, 2009

I want to paint pretty faces

I am back to drawing girls again, after a break due to some busy business. I have been the network creator of Etsy Cottage Style on Ning for the past year, and we had an amazing 5 day birthday party, will lot's of prizes and games. Those 5 days were just a bit too much, maybe next year could be less I think, it was just soooooo busy for us.
Anyway, I have now handed ownership over to Debbi, but will be staying on as a member. I gave it my all for the past year, and have met some wonderful women, it is a safe loving community for woman artists of all kinds really, and I know it will continue to be with Debbi as the leader :) I have also closed my Etsy shop, I am no longer selling vintage linens. I am going to focus more on my artwork and see how it goes, because I just can't not :)

So, this girl is drawn and painted on watercolor paper, and the dress is glued on top. I made the dress using tissue papers on top of card stock, and lots of gel medium to get this great texture, then I painted over it. I hope you can see the texture, if not look at the close up. I did the same thing with the heart too.

I think my girls are starting to look better, at least this one has a pretty face. I need to work more on shading but that will come later, just practise, and more practise:) You might have noticed I love butterflies, how could I not use a couple? *giggle* I show my work to my husband and don't get much excitement from him, that's why I need a blog, to mingle and share with people who "get it" , and are passionate about mixed media. I am sure a lot of you are in the same situation with husbands. Even though they are very supportive and are happy if we are happy, they still don't get it. Just like I don't get his obsession with fast cars.

Today is a holiday in Ontario, Canada. Our government decided just last year to name a holiday for families, so today is "Family Day". Shops, banks, companies, most every place is closed today so people can celebrate family life. I think this is just so neat even if it was another regular day to me. Our daughter lives away and is studying for an exam tomorrow, so it was hubby, puppy and myself today, and a beautiful sunny day it was too :)

Happy Family Day to my fellow Canadians from Ontario!