
Friday, January 9, 2009

One Lovely Blog

Maybe it's the British side of me, but I use the word "lovely" a lot , and so I am honored to recieve this award from Lisa at Simple Journeys.

Thank you for thinking of me, and it is even more special because I didn't know Lisa until she posted to me about this award.

There are two rules that come with this award:

Link to the person you recieved it from.
Pass it on to deserving recipients of your own.

So here are the lovely blogs by the lovely ladies who have inspired me this past 6 months through my journey with mixed media. They always leave comments for me which are so encouraging. Thank you all :)

Viola at Viola

The Paper Girls

Heather at Creative Solace

Gabi at Colorful Adventures

On another note, I am not sure if I told you, but I deleted my other blog The Rose Cottage, so if you have links to that blog you may want to remove them and follow me here.
I have been trying to streamline some of the things I do online and this blog is where I am in my life right now so this is my focus. I need to do as much as possible to allow me more time to create.
I run the Ning social network Etsy Cottage Style, I am taking online classes and I do still have an Etsy shop for my vintage linens, but I don't really spend much time on it at the moment. I am just like most of you trying to find some balance in each day, so cutting back has been a must right now, I even deleted my Flickr account.

I also have an adorable four month old puppy who I am working so hard to train right now. I am hooked on watching "The Dog Whisperer" and have learned so much. My baby is becoming a very respectful little dog :)

Isn't he sweet?